Good progress has been made and the country stands as a global example.
COVID-19 has really challenged the world: an unusual environment with disruptions of value chains, job losses, rising poverty and inequalities, sexual and gender-based violence, shrinking fiscal space and increasing indebtedness. More importantly, this unprecedented crisis has put pressure on social ties, on staff and their families. Lives have been lost.
The UN, like many Development Partners, needed to be more creative, nimbler and use more the digital means, to create a safer way for colleagues to stay and deliver. We redirected programmes to better contribute to the efforts of the Government and other stakeholders to provide an effective and efficient response for the people mainly, the most vulnerable ones.
Despite the disruptions and new modalities of working, our continued engagement has yielded results. Indeed, the United Nations Development Assistance Plan 2018 – 2023 Mid-Term Performance Review indicates that we are in general on track to achieve our set up results by 2023.
Despite the challenging context, our action has been effective, thanks to sound management backed by UN Reforms and efficient Business Operations Strategy (BOSII), well-functioning coordination structures and partnerships with the Government, civil society, private sector, and the development partners.
More resources have been jointly mobilized by the UN and transaction costs reduced to impact people’s lives. Gasana, a young CEO supported by our youth Programme in Southern province, like many young entrepreneurs, is “ready to make a difference for the unheard voices of youths who have a strong potential to realize.” and create jobs. Jobs have been created including to protect the environment and tackle climate change, through eco-brigades. The 13-year-old Lambert has become a better student thanks to the school feeding programme.
The connection of 85,000 smallholder farmers (48% women) to the private sector has generated more income to better their lives. Elizabeth, a teen mother, after being raped by a neighbour on her way back from high school, receive psychological support to manage her trauma.
Our awareness on sexual and gender-based violence has reached 5.4 million persons. Health services, sexual reproductive health and vaccination continue to be delivered to the populations including refugees.
Joint analysis has supported our advocacy in tackling vulnerabilities and making the recovery greener, more gender-responsive and more inclusive; in vaccine equity; in maintaining children at school; in a broader shock responsive social protection for resilience; in more investments in building resilient systems in social sectors.
Innovations, robotics, and digitalization are used for solutions creation and continuity of services in health and education. Expertise supports Rwanda to be better prepared to realize the potential of the African Continental Free Trade Area and the Integrated National Financing Framework looks at financial means to build a more inclusive growth.
Through our assistance, civil society organizations sent a parallel report to the Human Rights Council along with the UN, contributing to a strong Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2021, advancing this important agenda. I am sure that these few examples, illustrating our participation to the National Strategy for Transformation (NST1 2017-2024) and the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, have already triggered your interest in reading our 2021 UN Country Annual Results Report.
The Report covers our work from July 2020 to June 2021. Please go beyond numbers and feel the story behind each number, the transformation of each individual so little be it, the dedication of all our staff and the collective leadership of all Heads of Agencies in these trying times and the energy of our joint efforts.
Indeed, partnership, cooperation, collaboration, resilience, and hard work have produced transformational results. Our utmost gratitude to the Government for its leadership, openness and partnership. Our sincere thanks to our dedicated donors, other development partners, financial institutions, implementing partners, civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, and the media.
As true friends in rough times, the UN renews its commitment to enhancing its work to keep on participating to the country’s hard efforts to build back better. This is the only way to deliver on the promise of Leaving no one behind and make it a tangible reality for youth, women, people with disabilities and other vulnerable people.
We are in this pandemic together; we will get through this together!
Turi kumwe! We are together! Nous sommes ensemble!