The International Organisation for Migration, IOM is collaborating with the Government of Rwanda to tap into the skills of Rwandan medical practitioners in the Diaspora.
Through the ‘Diaspora Engagement in the Rwandan Health Sector’ project, implemented by IOM in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MoH), the government will reach out to Rwandan nationals with medical expertise residing in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and who are willing to contribute to Rwanda’s development by transferring their skills to local medical practitioners while at the same time providing health services to the local population on a temporary basis.
IOM will support the Government of Rwanda to ensure that the diaspora medical practitioners who will participate in the skills and knowledge transfer will be able to provide high quality health services to the local population. In addition, this project will also safeguard sustainability by providing diaspora members with information on the available labour market, business and investments opportunities, encouraging them to invest in their country of origin.
As part of the ‘Diaspora Engagement in the Rwandan Health Sector’ project, IOM and the MoH, organized a four-day training for Rwandan Health Officials and conducted needs assessments in identified hospitals across the country.
“We greatly appreciate IOM for working closely with the MoH on diaspora engagement initiatives including the capacity building of health officials and identifying the gaps and needs of 10 identified hospitals in Rwanda,” said Darius Uzabakiriho, the Health Systems Analysis Specailist at the Ministry of Health.
“Additionally, through the financial support of the IOM Development Fund (IDF), we are eager to receive Rwandan diaspora health professionals to support the local community,” he added.
Helene Fors, IOM Rwanda Chief of Mission, expressed her appreciation for the excellent working relations between IOM and the Ministry of Health. She reaffirmed IOM’s commitment to support the Government of Rwanda to engage highly skilled Rwandan Diaspora members.
IOM, in close collaboration with the government, hopes to receive the first wave of Rwandan diaspora soon.
IOM will continue to strengthen its working relationships with the Government of Rwanda on migration management initiatives.
For further information on the ‘Diaspora Engagement in the Rwandan Health Sector’ Project, please contact Alice Karara, IOM Rwanda, at Email: