Celebration of the growing partnership UNFPA-KOICA and Official launch of a three years’ multilateral project.

The partnership between UNFPA Rwanda and KOICA has been nurtured since 2017.
KIGALI, 25 August 2020 - The United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Agency , UNFPA, in partnership with Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Rwanda, celebrated on 12th August 2020, the growing partnership between the two Agencies in advancing the empowerment and rights of young people in Rwanda, and launched a new three years’ multilateral project, funded by KOICA.
The partnership between UNFPA Rwanda and KOICA has been nurtured since 2017 with collaboration and joint effort around sexual reproductive health issues and further strengthened in May 2019 through the scaling-up of the YouthConnekt initiative in Rwanda that extended financial support to UNFPA’s Innovation Accelerator program. In July 2020, a new grant agreement was signed between the parties and marked the beginning of a three years’ multilateral project which will support Rwanda in fulfilling its ICPD25 commitments.
The new KOICA funded project in Rwanda entitled “Empowering adolescents and young people in Rwanda to realise their human right to equality, sexual and reproductive health and freedom from violence and discrimination” foresees activities at national level and in selected districts (Rusizi, Karongi, Nyamasheke), refugee camps (Mahama, Kigeme, Mugombwa, Kiziba, Gihembe, Nyabiheke Camps) and host communities with a timeframe of 36 months (July 2020-June 2023).
The project’s key objectives are to (1) increase demand for and supply of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) services for adolescents and youth in Rwanda, and (2) empower most vulnerable adolescents and young people in Rwanda to access education and socio-economic opportunities.
The project’s activities will directly benefit over 1 million adolescents and youth (aged 10-24), including those living in refugee camps. In addition, the project will also directly benefit the trained and engaged health care providers, teachers, religious and community leaders, selected organizations working on SRHR and CSE (youth networks, CSOs, NGOs and private sector) and indirectly benefit teachers of public and private schools, health care providers, parents, gatekeepers including religious and community leaders, CSOs, NGOs, private sector, members of the community.
The project management will be led by UNFPA Rwanda in collaboration with the partners who will be implementing the activities on the ground. These partners include: Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC), Imbuto Foundation (IF), Good Neighbors International (GNI), Alight, and African Humanitarian Action (AHA) with ongoing cooperation with the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Youth and Culture, Ministry of Education, Rwanda Education Board, Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the National Commission for Children, and the One UN in Rwanda.
"KOICA really appreciate the good partnership with UNFPA and implementing partners: Imbuto foundation, RBC, AHA, Alight and GNI, who will implement this new project. The government of Rwanda and UNFPA can count on KOICA as committed partner in its noble endeavor for better lives of youth in Rwanda" : Kim Jiwoong (Aaron), Deputy Country Director KOICA Rwanda.
This partnership was celebrated on the International Youth Day in an interactive virtual youth engagement webinar. Under the theme “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, the event was graced with the Rwanda Minister of Youth & Culture, KOICA Rwanda Representative, UNFPA Rwanda Representative, implementing partners and many youth leaders from across Rwanda.
"UNFPA Rwanda is grateful to commemorate our evolving partnership with KOICA which has a longstanding focus on adolescent and youth empowerment not just in Rwanda but also around the globe. We express our sincere appreciation to KOICA’s advanced commitments to further support on the empowerment of young people in Rwanda to realise their human right to equality, sexual and reproductive health and freedom from violence and discrimination through 3-year project" : Mark Bryan Schreiner, UNFPA Rwanda Representative.