UNDAP II - the United Nations Development Assistance Plan 2018-2023

This plan sets out the areas of collaboration with the national development agenda in Rwanda. Delivering on UNDAP II will be a coordinated effort between agencies, all operating under the umbrella known as ‘One UN’.
The UNDAP 2018-2023 is informed by - and responds to - global and regional normative frameworks, such as: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the African Union Agenda 2063; and the East African Community (EAC) Vision 2050. It is also guided by thematic conventions and mandates of specific UN agencies.
The Government of Rwanda developed the Medium-Term National Strategy for Transformation (NST1). It has three pillars for change. Developed in parallel, the new UNDAP 2018-2023 shares the same Strategic Priority Areas. Like the NST1, its three pillars are:
a) Economic Transformation,
b) Social Transformation, and
c) Transformational Governance.
In doing this, it firmly establishes One UN’s strategic and operation support to the national priorities of Rwanda.
The role of the One UN in Rwanda is important, and the One UN and its Partners consider the United Nations Country Team to be a key strategic partner and playing a vital role in supporting Rwanda’s Vision 2050 and the NST1. A critical part of UN’s role in Rwanda is demonstrating clearly through effective communication of development results and impact, the value added of One UN presence in Rwanda.
For a summary of the UNDAP II document, click here and to read the Key Achievements from our UNDAP I, click here.