There has been remarkable progress in the community based interventions and responses to HIV services in Rwanda.
In collaboration with the GoR and UNAIDS, Ihorere Munyarwanda Organisation (IMRO-Rwanda), a local NGO has reached and linked key populations (KPs) namely; Female Sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with other men (MSM), their children and clients, with health facilities in Kigali (Gasabo, Kicukiro, Nyarugenge), Muhanga, Ruhango, Nyamasheke and Rubavu Districts in Rwanda. So far, 115,000 KPs and young people in the 7 Districts have been reached since 2018. They have been reached through awareness campaigns, linked to VCT, enrolled onto Anti-Retroviral Treatment and screened for STIs and treatment. In the same period, 360,000 condoms and lubricants have been distributed to KPs and their clients. Also, 12,000 (7,591 FSWs, 1,001 clients of FSWs 3,000 children born to FSWs and 407 MSM) have been reached through peer education and services related to gender-based violence, stigma and discrimination. They have also benefitted from HIV prevention programs in line with the National strategic plan on HIV/AIDS. Both FSWs, children born to FSWs and MSMs and their clients were referred to 26 health Facilities to access health and HIV services through peer education programs, 320 beneficiaries from most vulnerable poor families were supported to access community health-based insurance to reduce financial barriers to adequate health care and services.
In addition, 360 FSWs were eligible and enrolled for PReP and 800 FSWs as well as 18 MSMs were vaccinated for Hepatitis. 9 SGBV cases in Rubavu, Muhanga, Ruhango & Nyamasheke Districts were also referred to Isange One Stop Centers under the IMRO program. In Rusizi, Musanze, Nyarugenge, Muhanga and Rubavu 2,459 pregnant FSWs were supported to acces SRH/Family Planning, PMTCT services. They were also given hygiene and SRHR commodities. The support also reached local law enforcement authorities and health care providers, who learned about the comprehensive advocacy for the rights of KPs. 275 women and youth in Gasabo, Nyarugenge and Rubavu Districts were equipped and supported with Life Skills and 675 KPs (75 MSM and 600 FSWs) were supported with Economic Empowerment through the Group Saving and Loan Association (GSLA) Program. All these interventions contribute to reducing their vulnerability to HIV and increases their power of negotiation for protected Sex. Such deliberate interventions are vital to continue advocating for a conducive and enabling environment to equitable and high quality health access to HIV services for Key and Vulnerable Population in Rwanda.