Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Japan Contribution Helps Improve Refugee Food Security in Mahama Camp

04 June 2019

  • At Mahama Refugee Camp, WFP, UNHCR and Japan's Embassy to Rwanda today celebrated a food donation valued at USD 1 million from the Government and people of Japan to the Burundian refugee operation in Rwanda.

KIGALI, 04 JUN 2019 - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) were today joined by H.E. Ambassador Takayuki Miyashita in Mahama Refugee Camp in Eastern Province of Rwanda to celebrate a food donation valued at U.S. $1 million from the Government and people of Japan to the Burundian refugee operation in Rwanda.

“This contribution from the Government and People of Japan will enable WFP to provide food and nutrition assistance to over 57,000 Burundian refugees living in Mahama camp. WFP plans to distribute over 800 metric tons of food commodities including highly nutritious foods,” said Edith Heines, WFP Rwanda Representative and Country Director, thanking the generosity of the Government and people of Japan.  

The Government of Japan is a key partner and supporter of the refugee programme in Rwanda. In the last ten years, the Government of Japan has contributed over US$ 10 million to refugee food assistance in Rwanda. WFP is an active partner of the Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA), initiated by Japan and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

 “I have already visited Mahama camp seven times and confirmed how our supports work for beneficiaries every time. I am delighted to be able to work with WFP again for improving living condition of the refugees especially in a very difficult situation. We thank WFP Rwanda and its partners for carrying out this important project,” said His Excellency Takayuki Miyashita, Ambassador of Japan to Rwanda.

In Mahama camp, WFP currently uses a hybrid approach of both cash and in-kind food assistance. In addition to the monthly lifesaving food assistance to refugees, WFP also provides specialized nutritious foods for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition for children under five years of age; prevention of malnutrition for children aged six months to two years of age and pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers; and people living with HIV/AIDS & tuberculosis patients.




More information is available from:


Saori Ono (Development Cooperation Specialist) 

Embassy of Japan in Rwanda

Tel: (+250) 252 500 884 



Emma Grylle (Head of External Partnership and Communications)

World Food Programme

Tel: (+250) 788 142 110

Mobile  (+250) 789 451 347


UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
World Food Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative