IOM RWANDA Country Office Annual Report 2019

During 2019, IOM continued to support the Government of Rwanda in all its migration-related efforts, working with various Government ministries and departments to ensure proper migration management policies and structures for dignified, orderly, and safe migration. During the whole year, IOM Rwanda has implemented different programmes, covering five main areas of programming: Integrated Border Management, Counter-Trafficking, Labour and Human Development, Migration Health and Migration Operations. IOM projects are implemented within the framework of the United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) 2018-2023 priority strategic areas and the Rwanda National Strategy for Transformation (NST1). The UNDAP II outlines the areas of collaboration with the national development agenda in Rwanda by the United Nations (UN), under the umbrella known as ‘One UN’.
The UNDAP II is informed by and responds to global and regional normative frameworks, including the 2030 UN Agenda for
Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union Agenda 2063, and the East African Community (EAC) Vision 2050.
IOM has demonstrated its ability to support the Government of Rwanda in migration governance through various interventions including targeted capacity building, research, technology innovation, policy, advocacy, and direct assistance to beneficiaries. IOM remains committed to support the Government of Rwanda in all its migration management efforts to improve the lives of migrants and also harness their development potential. Going forward, IOM Rwanda envisions creating policies and structures where migrants and vulnerable communities have the capacity to choose and access alternative solutions for dignified, orderly, and safe migration.
In closing, IOM would like to reiterate the appreciation for the continued support, expertise and contributions of the Governmental partners, the UN family, our generous Donors, key partners and local communities.