One UN Turi Kumwe Newsletter Quarter 3
Dear Esteemed Partners and Readers,
I welcome you to the 3rd edition of our quarterly One UN in Rwanda Newsletter dubbed “Turi Kumwe”. This publication provides an insight into what the One UN in Rwanda have been doing during the quarter – working collectively and in partnership with many of you, delivering results as one for the benefit of the people in Rwanda, leaving no one behind.
In the last quarter and just recently, Rwanda joined the world on September 21 to mark the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations (UN). The theme is: The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Commitment to Multilateralism. The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Dr. Edouard Ngirente, the Prime Minister graced the commemoration as the Guest of Honor. Activities and launched also the Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF). Rwanda is among the 15 countries globally, pioneering this important initiative aligned with the Addis Ababa Agenda Action on financing for development. The INFF will support the implementation of the National Strategy for Transformation (NST1). We are glad to have partnered with European Union on this important that was highly attended by the diplomatic corps, the representatives of the development partners, CSOs, media and UN Heads and staff.
As we commemorate the UN75, this Covid-19 has shown us how important multilateralism is because we know that No one is safe alone unless we are all safe; no one is strong alone; we are stronger together. The COVID19 pandemic reminds us how interconnected we are and how crucial multilateral cooperation and a rules-based international order, with the United Nations at its core, are. So, the UN is renewing multilateralism and changing and innovating to be up to the scale, ambition and urgency needed to tackle important challenges of our planet, be it on poverty, hunger, inequalities, jobs, climate change, pandemics and other shocks, gender equality or youth engagement and peace and conflict prevention.
In Rwanda, UN is very proud to be a trusted partner of the Government and the people of Rwanda in the remarkable trajectory of transformation in all areas: in governance, in economic transformation, in social transformation and in the improvement to the well-being for the people in Rwanda, with diversity and inclusion. Thanks to a strong leadership, a clear vision and conducive environment for a fruitful cooperation between the Government, the UN, other development partners, Civil society and communities, all actors are together playing their role in the country’s remarkable development trajectory. Building on what we have achieved together, with a stronger multilateralism and a renewed UN, we will do more and better to achieve the Sustainable development goals, for the people, the planet, peace and prosperity and with an effective and efficient partnership.
With the progress made to contain the spread of COVID-19 and the recent cabinet decisions on easing lockdown and reopening of a number of activities, I commend the Government of Rwanda for its leadership, strong actions and unwavering commitment in responding to COVID-19. The tireless efforts of the health workers and collective contributions and adhering to the Government measures are helping us keeping us all safe and healthy. The support of UN Rwanda with financial contribution of 18,181,991 USD so far, not only will contribute to the fight against COVID-19 but also to the successful implementation of the Economic Recovery Plan, to help build back better, stronger and greener. Thus, the country will maintain its focus on the National Strategy for Transformation (NST1) and the efforts towards achieving the SDGs.
Over the last quarter, the UN in Rwanda launched Generation Unlimited (GenU) with the Minister of Youth and Culture, the Regional Director UNICEF and Youth leaders; held a webinar with Ministry of Youth and Culture to actively engage young people in enriching national and multilateral institutions, launched with Ministry of Emergency Management the Central Emergency Funds (CERF) to support Disasters Response and Early Recovery in Rwanda, supported the Government of Rwanda in voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees, and collected views through the UN75 1 minute survey where more than 11,000 people have taken the survey in Rwanda. The UN will keep on working on the insights to better build a system fit for purpose.
In this Newsletter, you will read stories from IOM, UN Women, FAO, WFP, UNFPA, UNCDF, UN Volunteers, UNICEF, UNDP, and UNHCR. I invite you to visit and to follow us on Twitter & FB: @UNRwanda
With all that was achieved, I thank all the Heads of UN Agencies of our collective leadership but more importantly all our staff. You are our pride because of your commitment and your hard work. I want to thank Stephen Rodriques, the UNDP Resident Representative for his tremendous work over the last five years, as he is leaving the country for another assignment.
As UN Rwanda, our role will always be anchored on what the Government sees in the future, our normative role, our comparative advantages and the synergies to be enhanced with other actors.
Let me end by commending the conducive environment in Rwanda: a strong leadership; clear vision; well-functioning institutions and accountability mechanisms and committed people and excellent partnerships between development partners and with the Government. Let us continue to act together to get out of this pandemic and build a better country for all! We are convinced that we will make it!
October 1 “Umunsi mwiza wo gukunda Igihugu” Happy Patriotism Day!