The United Nations Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP) 2013-2018 is the strategic programme framework for the UN system in Rwanda. It describes the UN country teams’ (UNCT) collective response to the priorities in the national development framework as espoused in Rwanda’s long-term development Vision 2020 and medium-term strategy as expressed in Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) II 2013 -2018. The UNDAP will end on 30 June 2018 and planning for the next UNDAP (UNDAP 2) has commenced. As part of this planning process, the One UN in Rwanda needs to determine the development situation and challenges facing Rwanda and identify where the UN can best position itself to support national priorities in order to bring about transformational and sustainable development for Rwanda.
It is in this context that this Common Country Analysis (CCA) was conducted to articulate the Rwandan context, opportunities and challenges encompassing sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, peace and security and humanitarian perspectives.