TURIKUMWE Newsletter || 2022 Quarter 4

Welcome to our quarter 4 edition of “Turi Kumwe” -- the last in the year 2022, covering October, November, and December. It provides an insight into what the One UN in Rwanda together with partners has done to advance Rwanda’s development priorities.
It speaks to our joint bold and transformative actions towards sustainable development and resilient communities. Together we have taken bold steps on youth engagement and gender equality, we have raised the game on climate action, increased efforts in transforming agriculture, strengthened cross border trade and social cohesion, made more strides in health, nutrition, and inclusion, all in a bid to effectively serve the communities and step-up efforts to fast-track the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerate the realization of Agenda 2030.
Among notable achievements over this quarter was the 5th edition of the YouthConnekt Summit hosted in October by the Government of Rwanda (GoR) in collaboration with Development Partners including the UN system. The Summit convened about 10,000 young innovators and leaders across the world, in Kigali for a power-pact 3 days of conferences, masterclasses and networking sessions. Under the theme “Accelerating investments in Youth: Resilient Youth, Resilient Africa”, participants discussed different ways to promote growth and advancement for the youth of the African continent. The Summit provided the much-needed platform for participants to explore measures and chart a way forward on how to involve the youth in Africa’s trade, health, climate resilience and financing, technology, and skills for the future.
The Government and the UN uniquely celebrated UN day last October as Rwanda also marked its 60th anniversary of membership to the UN. To celebrate the joint achievements, together with the GoR, we held an official High Level Celebrations Forum including participation in a special Umuganda. We commend Government’s leadership and strides in many of the country’s best practices in home grown solutions and identifying mitigative measures against risks -- more on this in the next pages!
In November, UN Rwanda supported the Government to establish a Green Investment Facility (GIF) referred to as "Ireme". The Facility was launched by President Kagame at the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh. The UN supported the development of the Rwanda Sustainable Finance Roadmap, which was also launched at COP27. The Roadmap is a guiding document to mobilise domestic and foreign resources to promote green investment, de-risk green business and attract the private sector into a zero-emissions programme.
Recognizing the influence of sports as a driver of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030, we are delighted to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Veteran Clubs World Championship for the preparation, organization, and sustainable impact of a Legends World championship that will be hosted in Kigali in 2024. The event will bring together over 150 football legends to take part in a soccer tournament and a series of forums on peace, investment, technology, tourism, health, and education. We are excited!
Over this quarter, the UN Country Team (UNCT) held its first joint UNCT field visit. This provided a critical lens for the UNCT to appreciate the importance of our joint collaboration and impact as well as interact with our partners and beneficiaries at the community level. To further reflect on what the UN system is doing well on, and to consider how we can improve on our shortfalls and define the UN’s collective and strategic offer to Rwanda – the UNCT also held its Retreat in November. The UNCT mapped out how to jointly strengthen delivering as one on programmes, how to best support the Government and the people of Rwanda in their commitment to achieve the SDGs, leaving no one behind.
Marking the end of the year, in December I co-chaired the UN Joint Steering Committee meeting with Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, to assess the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF). The meeting weighed in on UN’s work, its joint programmes, the results, and impact over the year. The GoR commended the UN’s contribution through the UNSDCF implementation, noting its full alignment with NST1. On our part, the UNCT remains committed to make our contribution towards the efficient implementation of NST1 and its successor programme.
It would be remiss if I did not make reference to my courtesy call on President Paul Kagame as part of my assumption of office. President Kagame’s words of encouragement, visionary leadership, and commitment to the development of this country are unparalleled. All the more reason the UN system stands with Rwanda on its structural transformation agenda, enabling inclusive development, innovation, digitalization and private sector led growth.
The UN Family has united behind the principle of leaving no one behind and for that I am grateful. Kudos to the UNCT, staff and volunteers for living up to the full promise, potential and hope of the United Nations. Congratulations to everyone for playing your part! The year ahead requires more action and more commitment -- may we continue these efforts with even more vigour and energy in 2023. I am confident that our dedication to advancing the goals will yield great results.
I wish you and your families, peace, health, and success in the new year.
Wishing you a good read.